
Wednesday, October 5, 2011


北京发生溜车意外致3名香港游客死亡 据新华网消息,北京市政府新闻办10月6日傍晚证实,在北京市昌平区南口镇某商城院内,一辆旅游大客车溜车将3名游客撞伤致死。据悉,死亡游客为香港居民。目前警方正在对大客车司机依法审查。 中金在线声明:中金在线转载 ... 北京发生溜车意外致3名香港游客死亡

Strictly Come Dancing saboteur: Nancy Dell'Olio finds bronzer and sequin clue ...

Strictly Come Dancing saboteur: Nancy Dell'Olio finds bronzer and sequin clue ... by Clemmie Moodie, Daily Mirror 6/10/2011 Nancy Dell'Olio has "turned Miss Marple" to unmask the Strictly Saboteur who ruined her dress – and has already unearthed a vital clue. The Italian lawyer, 50, whose frock was drenched and its hemline altered ... Strictly Come Dancing saboteur: Nancy Dell'Olio finds bronzer and sequin clue ...

Moody's rebaja ahora la calificación de bancos y grandes empresas de Italia

Moody's rebaja ahora la calificación de bancos y grandes empresas de Italia La agencia de evaluación de riesgos Moody's vuelve a la carga y, después de que el martes rebajara la calificación de la deuda soberana de Italia , este jueves ha anunciado que ha bajado la nota de los principales grupos bancarios e industriales ... Moody's rebaja ahora la calificación de bancos y grandes empresas de Italia

Tributes to Steve Jobs flow on Facebook, Twitter

Tributes to Steve Jobs flow on Facebook, Twitter Fittingly Apple fans quickly turned to their iPhones and the web tonight as news spread about the death of its iconic leader, Steve Jobs. On Facebook, many simply quoted him and shared the video of the speech he made at Stanford's commencement in 2005, ... Tributes to Steve Jobs flow on Facebook, Twitter

Dos transexuales australianos reconocidos como hombres sin operación genital

Dos transexuales australianos reconocidos como hombres sin operación genital SÍDNEY. Dos transexuales australianos serán reconocidos como hombres sin haberse sometido a una operación de genitales, según una decisión del Tribunal Superior de Australia, informaron este jueves fuentes judiciales. El tribunal determinó que las ... Dos transexuales australianos reconocidos como hombres sin operación genital


诺贝尔化学奖得主:荣誉属于所有科学工作者 以色列科学家达尼埃尔?谢赫特曼5日获得2011年诺贝尔化学奖后说,荣誉属于所有科学工作者。 瑞典皇家科学院5日宣布,将2011年诺贝尔化学奖授予准晶体的发现者谢赫特曼,以表彰其在晶体学研究中的突破。当天下午,谢赫特 ... 诺贝尔化学奖得主:荣誉属于所有科学工作者

[스티브 잡스 사망]증권가 “업계영향 속단 금물”

[스티브 잡스 사망]증권가 한 애널리스트는 6일 잡스는 "지난 10년간 IT업계에서 본 가장 뛰어난 인물"이라고 평가했다. 잡스의 사망은 단기적으로 국내 IT업체들에게는 애플과의 격차를 좁힐 수 있는 기회가 될 것으로 전망됐다. 그러나 좀더 장기적으로는 큰 영향이 없을 것이라는 견해도 ... [스티브 잡스 사망]증권가 "업계영향 속단 금물"


MURIO STEVE JOBS, EL FUNDADOR DE APPLE WASHINGTON, 5 (ANSA) - Steve Jobs, el carismático cofundador y ex presidente de Apple, falleció hoy a los 56 años tras perder una batalla contra el cáncer, anunció la compañía de Cupertino (California). Jobs renunció en agosto pasado a su puesto de ... MURIO STEVE JOBS, EL FUNDADOR DE APPLE


江西将派出110人代表团参加全国第 新华网南昌10月3日体育专电(记者吴锺昊)据悉,江西将派出110人的代表团参加第八届全国残疾人运动会,其中运动员69人,分别参加举重、盲人柔道、游泳、乒乓球、羽毛球、聋人足球等7个大项114个小项的比赛,有望在举重、盲人 ... 江西将派出110人代表团参加全国第

With GOP field set, Romney woos the unconvinced

With GOP field set, Romney woos the unconvinced By CHARLES BABINGTON AP WASHINGTON -- With the Chris Christie tease over, Mitt Romney is telling Republican activists there's all the more reason to get excited about his presidential campaign. They will keep him waiting a bit longer, it seems. ... With GOP field set, Romney woos the unconvinced

Senate Democrats Pitch 5 Percent Surtax On Millionaires

Senate Democrats Pitch 5 Percent Surtax On Millionaires Left to right: Sen. Charles Schumer (DN.Y.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) at a news conference on Capitol Hill today. Making the case that some of the tax increases that would partly pay for President Obama's $447 billion jobs bill are ... Senate Democrats Pitch 5 Percent Surtax On Millionaires

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